Clan and Quake news

This is the serious part of the site, so please read the news with a furrowed brow.
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06/12/99 - Some very good training matches

We played Wireplay Div1 clan ACE on Sunday, in an all LPB friendly over 3 maps, great games. First off on dm1, the lead and control of the Mega Health room changed hands numerous times, however we always seemed to have a slight edge, and nicked the game off them by 5 frags.

Game 2 was our choice of level, we took them to dm8 and prompty gave them a good old HIV'ing. Pity Sean was running around like a headless chicken in this one :)

Game 3 was back to dm1, and with a couple of our LPB's needing to leave, we put in Kegser & Pigeon, both HPB's, to face the 4 ACE LPB's. We lose, but it was very very close :)

These were great games, think we'll sort out a few more with ACE, I'd like to play them in some 2LPB/2HPB games,

29/11/99 - Final Season 7 UKCCL match

Another win, thats 3 in a row, this time over APO. Played all.


28/11/99 - UKCCL default win & new member, and we all join RGS for CTF.

Hopefully the last new member for a while, Poops who was playing CTF for us has joined for DM as well. Junkie has returned from ISDN exile plus Blade is back for a bit as his exams are finishing off. My we've alot of members all of a sudden.

We're also withdrawning from the Savage Academy CTF league, as RGS, who are RA2 only, somehow managed to get into the Savage league proper. As they've only 1 or 2 CTF players, we've decided to throw our lot in with them. Should be fun.

16/11/99 - Clan base Q2 DM International Ladder win

Frig, thats a mouthfull, we beat CBA on sunday over 2 maps, 170-130. CBA have improved no end and are Div3 standard on q2dm1 anyways, some real nice play by the CBA lads. We also played the Belgian clan Sr on Sunday, but they ran off after 10mins :)

Also stuck the demo of the EA game in our files section.

15/11/99 - UKCCL Win !

Oh yes, great win over EA to lift us out of the relegation zone, demos to follow plus the UK leagues Season 7 updated with screenie etc.

14/11/99 - HPB's sorted for sure

Pigeon, ex clan NSK, and then DF for 2 days, has joined and we're now very solid on the old HPB front. Castor has also returned from brief retirement :)

We'd a good friendly win over DCC and W:P9 yesterday, today sees our first match in the clanbase international ladder, we're taking on Belgian clan Sr at 3pm.

12/11/99 - Just to prove we did

Heres the screenshots of our final match of the Savage Academy League season. Man did we rock in this one :)

09/11/99 - Another close UKCCL loss

Clan DOS turned us over, but not by much. They are unbeaten in 4, I think our record doesn't do justice to how good we are playing at the moment. I finally stuck up a rough page for Season7 results, check the League links on the left.

06/11/99 - HPB's sorted

Lord Spanky, ex clan _Y_ has joined and we're now basically sorted for LPB's and HPB's.

01/11/99 - UKCCL win at last

And I'll back in business in Division 2 of the UKCCL, with a close win over DS, DS lead for the first part, while we then caught up and passed them in the last 10mins or so. DS lost a HPB to an overflow at some stage while we had no overflows at all, thats a first in 3 games.

31/10/99 - Back from Canada

Its only when you spend 3 days eating nothing but airplane food that you realize just how bad it actually is. We've also recruited another HPB, [HIV]Quick, formerly from CGS has joined us. Big game tomorrow in UKCCL v our training partners, DS. Best of luck to both clans, but I hope ta fuck we win :)

A couple of games have been played while I was away, a defeat on dm6 to HOODz, and defeat to some more CTF games. We lost v KOR on Sunday 10-0 in the first game, but had a much better show in the second, losing 6-4.


Old News

News and views from 20/06/99 - 23/10/99
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